The Recovery Pack is designed by Pacific Elite Fitness coach and sports nutritionist Ben Greenfield for healing muscles and for bouncing back from a hard workout or race as fast as possible.
When you want to reap every shred of benefit from your training session, you need to give your muscles the nourishment they need to repair with lightning speed, and this potent blend will give you just that. It contains 100% pure doses of the same enzymes that surgeons give their patients for rapid recovery, along with organic, cold-processed, rapidly absorbed protein and the finest amino acids on the face of the planet. Your muscles will quickly soak up these nourishing compounds and your body and joints will thank you.
The Recovery Pack contains one bottle of Recoverease, one tub of DEEP30 Cold Processed Goat protein powder, 1 bottle of Master Amino Pattern (MAP), and three boxes of Lifeshotz anti-aging and cellular support blend – all our top recommended recovery supplements.
Keep reading for full details or click here to order your recovery pack now with FREE USA SHIPPING.
Recover-Ease is a new way of thinking about post-exercise recovery. The formula combines 8 natural nutrients, proteolytic enzymes and branched chain amino acids into a research-proven and patent-pending blend that gives your body what it needs to repair damage following intense exercise.
Specifically, Recoverease delivers a potent source of fuel to immune system cells. This blend is taken up rapidly by immune system cells, which then are able to repair tissue damage – particularly in the muscles and lungs.
Research studies and “real-life” users clearly demonstrate that using Recover-Ease following exercise results in fresher legs and lungs, higher energy and mood, and overall faster and more complete recovery.
-2 capsules = following your “regular” workouts (tempo runs, cycling spins, steady laps)
-4 capsules = following your “hard” workouts (intervals, hill repeats, weight training)
-8 capsules = following your “competitions” and “hammer sessions” (races, long distance days)
Click here to view Recoverease product label.
DEEP30 is a blend of electrolytes, protein, and probiotics meant for daily use. It contains over 20 bio-organic minerals, with a natural blend of both casein and whey proteins for complete protein assimilation. This protein delivers 10 times more live probiotics than yogurt, and is both the most delicious and easiest-to-digest complete protein powder you will ever taste.
DEEP30 also contains GanedenBC30, a natural supplement designed to help support digestive health and maintain the immune system. Two published clinical studies have shown that Bacillus coagulans, the specific bacterial strain of GanedenBC30, (found inside DEEP30) significantly decreases abdominal bloating or discomfort and also increases the immune response to viral challenge.
We recommend 2-3 scoops pre or post-workout, mixed with coconut, rice or almond milk, nuts and fruit if desired. DEEP30 can also simply be mixed with water.
DEEP30 is available in three flavors. Click on any of these flavors to see complete nutrition label: Coconut Dream – Banana Smoothie – Strawberry Splash.
Many people know that protein is essential for optimum health, but most assume they are consuming enough from food. So why the need for an amino acid supplement?
The answer is to build quality protein. Yes, you do get good quality from foods such as eggs, meat, fish and nuts but much of the protein in food is not converted into body protein – it just makes waste that the body has to get rid of plus extra calories. Plus, it’s very difficult to eat those type of protein sources during a workout or race.
Almost everyone is protein deficient without realizing it – it plays out as a nagging injury that won’t heal in the athlete, or brittle bones in the menopausal women, or constant colds in the child. Protein deficiency is very often something you are aware of, but you just can’t identify and neither does your doctor. Not getting enough protein may mean low hormones, or a low immune system and risk of disease or cancer.
So what’s the solution? Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) – an amino acid supplement that is 99% utilized by the body to make protein. No other form of protein comes close!
What’s the difference between this and other proteins?
– At the low end of the spectrum are whey and soy proteins – only 17% of their content is utilized by the body with 83% leaving as waste.
– Food like meat, fish and poultry fare a bit better with 32% being absorbed and 68% being wasted.
– Eggs are the winners in the food stakes with 48% being utilized with 52% waste.
– Now compare those numbers to MAP – a massive 99% is put to work by the body, with only 1% leaving as waste. Not only that, but MAP is absorbed by the body within 23 minutes! And there is only 0.4 of a calorie per tablet.
We can truly say that no other protein source compares with MAP, and when you use it before, during or after your workout, especially when combined with the other elements of this Recovery Pack, you experience unparalleled increases in performance, focus, time to fatigue, and significant decreases in post-workout soreness.
Take 5-10 MAP tablets before any hard workout or race. Click any of the following for more information on MAP:
-MAP vs. Dietary Proteins and Protein Supplements
LifeShotz is an anti-aging and cellular support blend that was formulated by Pacific Elite Fitness coach Ben Greenfield’s personal naturopathic physican (Dr. Todd Schlapfer). It is a powdered “shot” that can be added to any glass of water or beverage, or dumped straight into the mouth.
The exact ingredients and formulation are listed farther down on this page, and here is what LifeShotz does for you:
-Keeps your cells, skin, hair, and nails young and strong due to the potent antioxidant blend.
-Build endurance and stamina, makes recovery faster and keep your immune system at peak performance.
-Provides a mental and physical boost without the damaging effects of an energy drink.
-Allows you to get more done and have more mental focus by giving your body supercharged nutrients like Vitamin D, resveratrol and more.
LifeShotz is all natural, with no gluten, no caffeine, no preservatives, no artificial dyes and no artificial flavors.
With millions of chemical interactions taking place in every cell of your body, Life Shotz works at the cellular level to give you the total nutrition you need to wake up happy, to stay focused and positive during your daily grind, and to power through every workout. To listen to an interview with Ben Greenfield about how Dr. Todd about how Lifeshotz enhances cellular communication, click here.
Click here for Lifeshotz dosage and FAQ info.
Check out the Lifeshotz supplement facts and ingredient label here.