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Comments (2)
I always learn so much from ATC episodes! I love the question about raising HR and Phil's answer! People will always try to figure things out with their own formulations! I would love to hear more about Dave Scott's current triathlete training ideas vs Mark Allen's. You guys started to discuss this but stopped yourselves. That made me really curious as to what you guys were discussing and Dave Scott's training methods????
My last name is Brockdorf and grew up with Step-dad Grizzard, and mom Baird. It was an endless pain for me growing up. I would vote for the TPG legal name and I would keep Tawnee Prazak as your public name. Especially in the world we live in, schools are more hesitant to check a child out to an adult with not the same name. I have clients that have a public name different that a private name, and in many instances it also allows you to better have a private name ie separate facebooks etc. Times though are getting a lot different, I also have many clients that change their names and are spiritually married (in Florida you have to legally file the paperwork with the state from the Pastor to be legally married) but don't get legally married so they don't get hammered in taxes.