ATC: Factoring Weather into MAF, Adjusting to High-Altitude Running, Box Drops for Hammys, and More
November 14, 2014
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On this show Tawnee and Lucho cover tons of topics and answer your questions. Including:
- Tawnee shares a strength-training circuit, and she and Lucho catch up on the latest.
- MAF & weather. How weather “extremes” affect MAF running and MAF testing, and how to deal with either crazy cold or crazy hot/humid conditions when you have to do your MAF tests. Can you factor weather in to your performance? Or just try to work around it?
- Follow up/further insight to last week’s question on an Achilles Tendon issue and fix
- Running at high altitude (8k+ ft). Living at altitude for an extended period of time: What is a timeline for acclimatization, knowing that is still is very individual and personal question depending on one’s fitness and previous altitude exposure. Second, when would you know you’re ready to start training specifically and not just “running easy?”
- Is there any rule of thumb for “translating” a Ironman marathon time to an open marathon? Should you/could you run an open marathon before a full Ironman? Also: how half-marathon times relate to half-Ironman times? And can your half-Ironman run predict your open marathon?
- Long runs for your first 24 hr ultra in June 2015 with a background of 50ks – how do you determine how long to go in training?
- Eccentric hamstring exercises (box drops, RDLs)
- HR issues after 12+ months of Long Slow Distance running as part of Ironman training, and wanting to do a half-marathon.
One Comment
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question about the impact on weather on MAF testing. As Lucho suggested, I do like to focus on data; but primarily when I’m following a data-dependent training regimen. But the more I learn about a MAF approach to training on this show, the more I discover that a MAF approach and a “data focus” are not always compatible. Not sure if Dr. Maffetone would agree, but my personal experience is that I can not control enough variables to use the data to make a strict comparative analysis over the course of a training year (indoor track not an option for me). I’m OK with that, especially as I hear the continued discussions and gain personal experiences (I’ve graduated to a more “feel” approach to assess my progress). My biggest take-away is that it would be nearly impossible to evaluate the progress of an individual using a MAF approach unless you are intimately familiar with all the variables that underlie the data. Really enjoying the show!