ATC: Low or High Intensity for Ironman Training and Figuring Out Your Formula, Training Tips to Fight Aging, When to Resume Training, Yay or Nay on Marathon Before IM, Tackling a 200-Mile ‘Dirty’ Bike Race and More
November 8, 2013
Lucho and Tawnee tackle your questions on:
-Ironman training: all Z1/Z2/MAF or do higher intensities?
-The aging athlete and ways to combat getting older
-How many sessions a week of each discipline for triathlon
-When to start training for your triathlon next season
-training for your first a sprint distance, and where to start
-offesason: only focus on bike and run training, and start swim in spring, or all three all year?
-Beginning MAF: would you recommend staying away from steep hills in early MAF training because it usually means slowing to a walk
-Training tips and longest training rides for the 200 mile Dirty Kanza in Kansas
-Off season tips with your first Ironman next August
-What to do when you’re in base training and won’t have your real bike for three months (but spin bikes are available)
-How little running can one do in the last week before a marathon without losing fitness
-Is it realistic to try and go from a marathon PR of 3:32 to a BQ time of 3:05 training exclusively in MAF?
One Comment
I was listening to Lucho and Tawnee on Ask the Coaches yesterday. I was interested in Lucho’s suggestions on training for the Dirty Kanza 200. First, I agree Lucho’s strategy for training for the race, but he did mis speak on the description of the amount of climbing at the KK 200. He said it was flat only 3,500 ft. of climbing. Actually, it is rather hilly. My Garmin indicated over 12,500 feet of climbing last year.