ATC: Solve Low Back Pain, Lucho’s Marathon Training and Recovery Tips, Nail the Olympic Tri 10k, and More

April 17, 2015

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image1On this show:

– The best routine for marathon recovery? What kind of ramp up afterward to get back to 100%?

– A guide to solving low back pain from running (see below for details)

– Ironman training: How much of my running should I be doing at my open marathon pace versus my Ironman marathon pace? I did an open marathon in November in 3:04, however, at Ironman I hope to do 3:30.

– have you been running TOO hard?! The benefits of hard running but why you may want to switch to a lower effort for the majority of your training runs.

– HR training zone guidance for 10k (and long distance) running

– Nail the 10k in an Olympic and how to get your 10k Oly time closer to your 10k open time!- Avoid over-fueling in an Olympic-distance triathlon- 20 weeks out from a marathon and time to get busy – help! Is it advisable to build volume & work on strength simultaneously? If feeling overtrained do you have a preference as to which to decrease – volume or intensity? Plus how to add in hills with limited resources?

Lucho’s Run Training Schedule (Marathon based)

Monday – recovery
Tuesday – speedwork or tempo (tempo if not fresh for speed) + yoga
Wednesday – moderate volume (6-14 miles)
Thursday – very ez 3-4 miles x2 (double day)*
Friday – tempo or converse from tuesday*
Saturday – don’t wreck sunday
Sunday – long run

*option to switch thursday and friday if you feel good on thursday after warmup!

Kettlebell brand mention by Tawnee:

Solving Low-Back Pain 

1) Work out your tight/weak hips

– pelvis is getting pulled forward by illacus and psoas, but pelvis is needing to be neutral or even slightly posterior tilted to avoid LB pain

– glutes stabilize hips – if you have weak glutes this allows pevlis to get pulled forward more
– glutes too weak + tight anterior muscles = pelvis tilts forward & more pressure on low back
– create strong but mobile anterior muscles (hip flexors); work on max hip flexion, i.e. pull knee to chest

couch stretch
strengthen glutes
strengthen hip flexors
deep squats
overhead deep squats

See more on this Kelly Starrett MWod video to test your risk for low back pain:

2) Upper body / T spine

– if you are hunched and in excessive kyphosis this will actually add more pressure on the lumbar spine aka low back

foam roll T spine DAILY!
external rotation of shoulders
strengthen mid back/lats
“turn off” upper traps and neck

3) Lower body

– maintain neutral feet, loose calves, etc.  – alignment and good form starts here.

One Comment

  • Jenn says:

    Thanks for the tips. I just started running in January, and I’m having a hard time getting into the groove of things. I don’t have a lot of back pain, but there is enough that it makes running uncomfortable. And that’s what I can feel the next day, even when I didn’t run very far. I’d like to catch this problem now, rather than when it’s worse.

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