Lindsay Tuttle, NP: Redefining Wellness — From Eating Disorder And Declining Health To Thriving, Entrepreneurial Mama

August 26, 2022


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On this episode we welcome Lindsay Tuttle. Lindsay is a mom to three boys, family nurse practitioner, homesteader, and holistic living advocate residing in northern Idaho. She spent many years of her life as an avid runner and battled a decades-long eating disorder, as well as other health ailments which she candidly shares on this episode. But she went on to heal and redefine her approach to life–her self-healing journey is truly an inspiration! In this episode we discuss her need to run followed by a need to step away from it, how she overcame her ED, illnesses from Lyme and mold, finding a new pace of life, limbic system retaining, motherhood, postpartum health and so much more.

You can find out more about Lindsey, her business, what she offers as well as her life and wellness blog at Lindsay also runs a business with Young Living in which she combined her medical background, holistic living and more to help her clients. She is also very active on social media: check out her page, @lindseytuttlenp, on IG and give her a follow for holistic living tips, health resources and so much more.

On this show:

  • Developing an easting disorder at the tender age of 9.
  • In and out of hospitals for an ED.
  • Introduction to running in college and what that did for her mental health.
  • Control issues with exercise–in addition to running and racing, lots of cardio and an obsession with the gym, food and body image.
  • Amenorrhea and birth control.
  • Getting married and getting off the pill.
  • Regaining a period.
  • Vitex i.e. chaste tree berry for hormonal support (available on fullscript for an exclusive discount).
  • Conditioning from our western culture around menstruation, etc.
  • Nursing school and pushing herself to extremes in school, exercise, etc.
  • TDAP shot and an adverse reaction.
  • Pain, insomnia, lost period again, immune health severely compromised.
  • Mold exposure and illness, as well as Lyme disease.
    • Likely correlated with vaccine reaction; Lyme reactivated? Hard to say for sure.
  • A miracle: getting pregnant for the first time amidst a tough time in her health journey.
  • Postpartum: back to a “toxic lifestyle” until ultimately changing her ways and approach to life and wellness…
  • On developing healthier habits.
  • A second and third pregnancy and a healthy, slower, more nourishing approach to life.
  • Limbic system retraining as an essential tool to Lindsay’s healing journey.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum tips.
  • And more!

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