Ben Greenfield is back, and on today’s show we dive into the topic of insulin and its role in the body as well as how it plays a role specifically for endurance athletes.
-Defining insulin: what role does insulin play in the body; how and when insulin works,
-Insulin sensitivity,
-Insulin resistance,
-Athletes vs general population.
The good:
-Stimulates protein synthesis,
-Prevents breakdown,
-Muscle recovery.
The bad:
-High insulin = lowers ability yo burn fat,
-IR issues,
-Health problems,
-Sugar burner,
-Possible inability to lose weight/lose fat.
-Exercise helps insulin sensitivity so is overdoing it on carbs and sugar really that bad if you’re exercising a ton?
-Insulin crucial for muscle recovery,
-The post-exercise window to take in food in regards to insulin,
-Other issues with too many sugars/carbs regardless of insulin (there ARE other health implications)
-Insulin and fat burning,
-How does carb backloading/reloading at night play a role in all this for athletes who want to control insulin but need to replenish at times of high activity?
-Timing of macronutrients for optimal results – higher fat during the day and higher carb at night.
-How does blood glucose levels correlate with insulin?
-Explain normal vs abnormal Glucose levels,
-Why and when we should test our glucose and how to interpret.
Comments (2)
Nice podcast. for high mileage training/ running see……
[…] allow you’re body to take in extra levels of oxygen, High Altitude Training. Through monitoring insulin levels an athlete can hack their body, taking in food at the exact time to maintain the perfect […]