TriNews: Get to Know Pro Joe Gambles’ Smart Approach to Training and Wellness, Plus 2016 Season Highlights
December 14, 2016

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On this episode of TriNews with Thorsten Radde:
- Top-3 favorite triathlon moments of 2016
- ….Thorsten and Tawnee each share theirs. What do you think? What are your favorite moments from this year in triathlon? Email or tweet at us to let us know!
- Tawnee’s
- Gwen Jorgenson and Nicola Spirig Olympics battle, with Gwen getting gold and Nicola getting pregnant right after the race!
- Patrick Lange’s record-breaking day in Kona (listen to our Kona recap here).
- Natasha Badmann’s final Kona performance capping off one of the most inspiring careers ever in the sport.
- Thorsten’s
- Roth & Frankfurt
- MBK & Diana Riesler’s consecutive wins and IMNZ, IMAZ and IM Malaysia, respectively.
- Big German wins: Jan Frodeno, Julia Grajer
- Special guest interview: Pro triathlete Joe Gambles
- Healing his Achille’s
- Transitioning to more minimalist running shoes as part of healing his injury
- Specializing in 70.3 vs. full-ironman distances
- Why he’s finally shifting to more Ironman focus
- “70.3’s build you up; Ironman breaks you down”
- In 70.3 vs. Ironman, it all comes down to the bike and for Joe the bike was a strength in 70.3 but a weakness in IM, and he’s working on fixing that
- On diet and nutrition:
- Fat-adaptation – Joe’s diet has transitioned to be better at utilizing fat for fuel
- He’s also a vegetarian and talks on that
- Other pros who are becoming more fat-adapted: Tim Reed, Sam Appleton, Benn Hoffman, etc.
- The secret to success: proper timing of nutrients and proper nutrients that complement the workout (high intensity = add back more carbs)
- Joe on being Heather Jackson’s coach
- Their plan that got Heather on the IM Kona podium (3rd)
- How they improved Heather’s bike and also got her out of a plateau
- Early season:
- Neuromuscular training
- High-cadence drills and developing an efficient pedal stroke
- Top-end power work, short-duration intervals/repeats
- VO2max workouts
- Add the high-end work to a huge bike base for the best success
- On the men and women’s race in Kona
- And more!
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