ATC: Creating Your HR Zones From LT Testing and MAF, Food and Refueling Talk, Plantar Fasciitis and the Calf, and More
January 30, 2015
Today kicks off with a round of “Lucho’s Life Tales,” and then gets into your questions on:
- The connection between plantar fasciitis and the calf? And help for runners to treat and/or avoid plantar fasciitis.
– Article reference:
- Is it true that even the smallest amount of refined sugars can hinder your body’s quest for being fat-adapted/metabolic efficient or is some carb/sugar ok? Thoughts on post-workout recovery nutrition? How does the 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio after hard workouts apply?
- Paleo cornbread muffin recipe mentioned by Tawnee.
- Are Boston’s downhills really so bad that they require extra hill work (or is that just part of the myth)? And if they are, how can I train for them without risking injury or a setback? Crosstraining?
– Eccentric exercises to help downhill running covered in this show.
- HR/training zone case study, and general guidance on creating your own running HR zones!
- The subject: 40-year-old female
Her situation: “I’m currently about to start training for a June marathon, I’m 20 weeks out right now… I ran a LTHR test today, I ran it as per Friel’s blog, 15 min WU, then 30 minutes all out, I lapped my watch at 10 minutes and my average HR over the last 20 minutes was 183… I have been using MAF over the last couple of months. My MAF HR is 145 considering my age, and that I haven’t been injured, etc lately… When I plug this LTHR into my zones, I get <149 = recovery (so now my MAF pace = recovery?), and 150-163 for Aerobic. Should I be running my easy runs (including Long runs that don’t have quality) in my Aerobic zone, or would it be better to stick to the lower recover/MAF zone? I’m currently running around 40 mpw, and plan on doing a Hudson style marathon plan that will peak in the high 50’s.”
- Do we need to worry about EMF while running with a phone, HR monitors and new technology, or even the Apple watch?
One Comment
This comment doesn’t have to do with this particular podcast, but I just wanted to say thank you for all of your ATC podcasts. I always listen to them while doing my long runs as I train for the Flying Pig Marathon. Very informative and fun to listen to!