The seventh and final installment with host Tawnee Gibson sharing her life story as a college student who developed an eating disorder and amenorrhea, turned hardcore endurance athlete, coach, holistic health expert, and eventually slowing down her participation in sport as she entered her motherhood era. It’s an inspiring message that self-healing, thriving and achieving Read More
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On this episode we welcome Lindsay Tuttle. Lindsay is a mom to three boys, family nurse practitioner, homesteader, and holistic living advocate residing in northern Idaho. She spent many years of her life as an avid runner and battled a decades-long eating disorder, as well as other health ailments which she candidly shares on this Read More
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Intro Banter Julie shares about her sciatica, and despite the setback focusing on what she can do. Wonderland trail around Mt. Rainer. Can’t get down about injuries, there are lessons to be learned! Today’s topic on pregnancy: Pregnancy is a sensitive and emotionally-charged topic. The goal of this show is to help you decide Read More
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We’re joined by Brie Wieselman, a functional medicine practitioner from Santa Cruz, CA, who runs a successful online clinic with other clinicians serving patients all over the world. Brie specializes in gut health, hormones, and female health. Today she is taking a dive into the topic of endometriosis and adenomyosis, with tools on how to Read More
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Pro triathlete, coach and dietician Kim Schwabenbauer joins the show for the second time to talk about the journey she made with her body to transition from the top level of Ironman racing to becoming a soon-to-be mom! We discuss how intense endurance exercise can cause infertility (mentally, physically), and the specific tweaks Kim made to gain fertility and have a healthy pregnancy. Read More
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